Add A Map Marker To Your Map

Adding a map marker to your map

In this section we will show you how to add a map marker to your map using the Add A Map Marker to your map tool. 

1. Click on the Add a Map Marker to your Map tool which can be found on the right side of your map. 

2. Once you click you will be given these two choices:

3. Choosing Input Address Information (Address, City, Latitude, etc) will open a dialog box showing all of the columns in your data. The example below shows the example with the columns in the data for 'Your Map' the example we are using.

Once you fill in all of the information you have you can Add Another Location, if you have more than one location to add. When you have added your last location simply click Map Now the locations will be geocoded and added to your map and data set.


3. You can click on Place a Marker on the map.

This will allow you to place the marker on the map manually, once you place the marker the map will geocode the spot and add the information from the geocoded marker to your data set.

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